Every great film is like a storybook come to life, enchanting audiences with its captivating tales. And who better to embody the magic of cinema than Julia Roberts, Chopard’s global ambassador? With her infectious charm and playful spirit, Roberts brings a touch of whimsy to every movie she’s in.

Recently, Chopard launched the Chopard Loves Cinema campaign, giving us a peek into Roberts’ world on film sets. Through 12 heartwarming episodes, we get to see Roberts in action, radiating confidence and warmth just like in her iconic roles.

The collaboration between Chopard and Roberts is a match made in movie magic, capturing the essence of feel-good films in every dazzling design.

European beauty star Julia Roberts photo collection

From the bustling backstage scenes to the meticulous attention to detail, director James Gray beautifully captures the essence of filmmaking.

With a focus on relationships and emotion, Gray’s cinematic perspective perfectly complements Chopard’s mission to convey unique dimensions of feeling through its creations.

The teamwork between Gray, photographer Alasdair McLellan, and backstage specialist Greg Williams truly brings out the best in Roberts. Together, they capture genuine moments of joy and authenticity, showcasing Roberts’ grace and vulnerability in every frame.

3 Reasons the New Chopard Release Is Truly Special

Through the Chopard Loves Cinema campaign, we are reminded of the power of collaboration, storytelling, and the joy of celebrating life and cinema.

It’s a beautiful ode to the artistry and magic that goes into making unforgettable films, inviting us to embrace the wonder of storytelling in all its glory.