Dream of becoming a gentleman

Snoop Dogg (real name Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.) was born on October 20, 1971. Originally just a black boy from a poor family in Long Beach (California, USA), Snoop Dogg’s childhood was associated with hardship and struggle.

Khong ngo uoc mo kho tin cua ong hoang nhac Rap Snoop Dogg

Stumbling through life very early, little Snoop Dogg became stubborn and careless. He quickly became a member of a group of unruly, special students in high school.

Immediately after graduating, he was arrested for cocaine possession and sentenced to 6 months in prison. Since then, Snoop Dogg’s childhood has been associated with countless “in and out of prison” times.

Not only did he have drugs, Snoop Dogg also became a pimp and prostitute. There were times when Snoop owned 10 extremely attractive prostitutes. “

Sơn Tùng M-TP chơi lớn

I never did this for money, but just because of my dream of being a gentleman. When I was a child, I dreamed that when I grew up, I would own a prostitution ring, have a car and beautiful clothes,” he confided.

Snoop Dogg was also imprisoned on suspicion of being involved in the death of a rival. However, thanks to the defense attorney’s talent, Snoop Dogg’s crime was not prosecuted.

Tired after falling many times, Snoop asked himself what he ultimately wanted and quickly got the answer. He loves music and wants to pursue that path, not become a gangster.

The path of a legend

Snoop’s journey to music is not as simple as many people think, especially for someone with so many dark spots in the past.

Snoop has gone through difficult days, his talent was not recognized. How many times have you been disappointed in yourself and thought of giving up? However, remembering the time in the past, his determination was greater than ever.

Snoop Dogg | iREPORT – music&style magazine

In 1992, Snoop’s talent and determination were discovered by Dr.Dre, a famous rapper. Soon after, Snoop was featured in this rap legend’s debut solo album.

Back in the past, when Snoop left high school and hung out in street gangs, with a love of music always boiling inside him, Snoop Dogg composed his first album called Doggstyle.

Now, he could not have imagined that the first work in his life would become a work that was considered the most successful in rap music history up to that time. Snoop Dogg immediately became the idol of many audiences.

Snoop Dogg: Ngôi sao vươn lên từ đáy bùn đen | ELLE Man Việt Nam

After this first famous work, he continued to develop his talent for composing music, performing and recording with famous albums around the world such as Tha Doggfather, No Limit, Snoop Dogg’s Doggstyle or others. Rhythm & Ganysta.

Snoop Dogg has his own unique performance style. That’s the relaxation when performing the work, the clear and extremely inspiring way of singing.

After more than 20 years of pursuing a music career, Snoop Dogg has become a living legend – one of the best rap artists of all time.

From a notorious rapper, Snoop Dogg has gradually become a famous and successful businessman in the marketing industry. According to Forbes’ voting list, Snoop Dogg is always in the top of the richest Hip Hop artists in the world.

“I can’t fix the past, but I know what’s right and how to make my life more useful,” Snoop shared.