“Ben is Back” is a film starring Julia Roberts in the role of a distressed mother. The movie tells the story of a family facing the challenges associated with addiction.

Roberts’ character, Holly Burns, is in a constant state of worry about her son, Ben, who is battling drug addiction. Ben, played by Lucas Hedges, unexpectedly comes home on Christmas Eve, marking the start of a challenging time for the family.

The trailer for the film highlights the emotional journey that Holly goes through as she desperately tries to keep her son away from the temptations of drugs.

The movie portrays the agony faced by parents dealing with a child’s addiction, as Holly grapples with her conflicting feelings of love and fear.

“Ben is Back” is directed by Peter Hedges, the father of the lead actor, Lucas Hedges. The film aims to shed light on the opioid crisis that has affected many families across the United States. It delves into the complexities of addiction and the impact it has on both individuals and their loved ones.

Julia Roberts’ portrayal of a troubled mother adds another layer of depth to the film. As a talented actress, Roberts convincingly portrays Holly’s desperation and determination to save her son. “Ben is Back” offers a realistic and emotional portrayal of the struggles faced by families dealing with addiction, making it a thought-provoking and intense film.