Many people are familiar with Julia Roberts, the talented and well-known actress. However, not everyone knows about her siblings, Eric and Lisa. Let’s delve into the intriguing dynamics of Julia’s relationship with her brother and sister.

Back when Julia was just 17 years old, she decided to leave her hometown in Georgia and make the move to New York City. It was a big step for her, but luckily her sister Lisa was already living there, studying at a drama school. Without hesitation, Lisa welcomed Julia with open arms and provided her with a place to stay.

Julia often reflects on her sister’s kindness whenever she thinks about the importance of sibling bonds.

At the age of 19, Lisa had her own responsibilities, but when Julia asked if she could move in with her, Lisa didn’t hesitate to say yes. As time went on, both sisters went on to establish their own families and homes. Interestingly, they even ended up buying apartments in the same building! Not only did they have a strong sisterly bond, but they also shared a deep connection as neighbors. Lisa is happily married to actor Tony Gillan.

Aside from Lisa and Eric, there is another crucial part to their family story.

They had a maternal half-sister named Nancy Motes. Unfortunately, Nancy passed away in 2014 at the age of 37 due to a drug overdose, which was classified as a suicide. It was a heartbreaking loss for the family, and in her suicide note, Nancy specifically blamed Julia for her depression.

Through all the ups and downs, the Roberts siblings have experienced their fair share of triumphs and tragedies. Their bond as brothers and sisters remains an important aspect of their lives, even in the face of adversity.