The ‘Fantastic Four’ film should consider these 3 actors for its Silver Surfer.

The Fantastic Four have been cast in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and now they crave a Silver Surfer, taking the franchise one step closer to reflecting its source material, with mutants, mutates, aliens, and sorcerers sharing a superhero universe. While the fandom is busy reacting to the casting choices made by Marvel Studios, it is rumored that the film is currently looking for an actor to play the role of Silver Surfer in the MCU.

The Silver Surfer, as depicted in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer is one of the principal characters of the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe. Being a herald of Galactus, his casting in the film would indicate the introduction of the character into the MCU, providing the Marvel Cinematic Universe with yet another heavy hitter like Thanos, Arishem the Judge, Kang, and The High Evolutionary. Here are 3 actors who could portray the role to perfection.

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Matt Smith has the looks for The Silver Surfer

Matt Smith in House of the Dragon

Talking about wandering the cosmos as a space god, Matt Smith seems to have some experience in that department. While the actor already has his hands full with House of the Dragon, the actor could portray the Silver Surfer with the gravitas that would be expected of the character.

It also needs to be kept in mind that the Silver Surfer is also a character in his own right, not just attached to the Fantastic Four. Matt Smith is 41 years old, which gives him at least a decade and a half before the character is forced to reboot again. He could play the character in solo films too, or even in films starring other allies of the character, like the Annihilators.

Gosling’s recent success with Barbie has made him a very bankable star in Hollywood. An actor who had trouble starring in iconic roles has suddenly found himself heaped with opportunities. Ryan Gosling definitely has the physique for the character of the Silver Surfer.

He is also in the same age range as Matt Smith, and enough of a big name that he will be able to carry the franchise forward into solo ventures as well. Gosling’s acting chops already make him perfect for the MCU, given that he can pull off comedy and sincerity with equal ease, making him the perfect villain for the Fantastic Four, especially the iteration we are to see in the MCU.

Keanu Reeves is the best choice for the Silver Surfer

Keanu Reeves as John Wick

Keanu Reeves as an actor deserves to join the MCU more than anyone else. The actor has been a part of science fiction and thriller franchises that have defined the cinematic experience of entire generations, making him the perfect fit for something as culturally impactful as the MCU.

While he would also make a great Richard Rider, the Silver Surfer seems to be the perfect role for the character. Having a John Wick vibe to him, the Silver Surfer is a ruthless family man who has to deal with the weight of worlds being devoured so that he can save his own, something Reeves has played pretty well.