Saturday Night Live, one of the longest-running sketch comedy shows in history, has provided a platform for countless aspiring comedians and improvisers over the years.

Many famous stars, including Will Ferrell, Tina Fey, and Bill Murray, got their big break on SNL. Even Aubrey Plaza, despite a failed audition, managed to secure a small job on the show.

While numerous celebrities have had the honor of hosting SNL, some well-known figures have actually turned down the opportunity. One such star is Julia Roberts, whose parents were once actors themselves.

However, acting wasn’t initially Roberts’ first choice. She moved to New York City after high school, signed with an agency, and began taking acting classes. Her hard work paid off when she landed her first television appearance and then made her big screen debut in Satisfaction (1988).

Roberts’ breakthrough role came in Mystic Pizza, leading to her starring in Steel Magnolias (1989). The casting directors initially considered other actresses for the role, but they knew Roberts was the perfect fit as soon as they saw her smile. This film earned Roberts her first Academy Award nomination and Golden Globe win.

Despite her successful acting career, Roberts has never appeared on SNL. When asked about it, she revealed that she is simply too scared but would consider co-hosting with Alec Baldwin.

It’s hard to believe that someone as talented as Roberts wouldn’t excel on SNL, but perhaps fans will get to see her on the show in the future.

Interestingly, Roberts isn’t the only celebrity to have turned down hosting SNL. Jennifer Aniston, for example, chose to prioritize her role on Friends over the offer.

Other stars who declined the opportunity include Orlando Bloom, Mindy Kaling, Catherine O’Hara, Johnny Knoxville, and even The Beatles.